Wes Anderson films.
It doesn’t get much better, the quirky characters, the controlled art direction for days.
My eyeballs and heart exploding every pantone-specific frame at a time.
Recently, I spoke to someone who said he couldn’t “get into” Moonrise Kingdom (pictured above), Anderson’s latest film. He said the camera angles made him feel too removed from the experience that the characters were having. And I hadn’t noticed. The camera is deliberately set for a wide, diorama feel. That camera angle impacted the experience. This is a conversation I have with my clients regularly.
Color impacts.
Space (too much or too little) impacts.
You might not out right notice why you FEEL a certain way when you first load a site, but there are often (hopefully) very deliberate reasons a designer laid out the page the way they did. Decisions specific to the brand identity and also to the end goal of the optimal user experience.